MNBC Watershed Project 

  • Cost-Share funding is NOW AVAILABLE for eligible landusers in Tier I critical areas.
  • The next MNBC Advisory Committee meeting date is TBD.

The ‘MNBC’ project refers to the Maria Creek and No Business Creek watersheds situated primarily in northwestern Knox County and southern Sullivan County. These two combined watershed include 89,061 acres. This initial 319 grant began as a Planning & Implementation project which started in December 2020 and concluded in December 2024. IDEM 319 funding for this grant amounted to $388,500 (with $160,000 earmarked for cost-share funds) with a match/in-kind commitment of $259,000. The first two years of this grant project were spent gathering information about baseline water quality from various sources including a recent IDEM TMDL study of Maria Creek, stakeholder and Advisory Committee input, collected water samples, and desktop modeling. Critical areas were selected and the MNBC Watershed Management Plan was approved by IDEM and EPA. In the spring of 2024, the ‘Implementation’ phase (e.g. cost-share) began the goal of improving water quality through the installation of conservation practices on agricultural land in critical areas.

The Sullivan SWCD applied for an additional 319 Implementation grant which will run from early 2025-2028. This second installment of 319 funding will bring $360,000 ($200,000 cost-share funding) + $240,000 match/in-kind committment for a total value of $600,000! Stakeholders interested in learning more about cost-share opportunities, Advisory Committee meetings, and/or upcoming events are encouraged to contact the Sullivan County Soil & Water Conservation District and/or the 319 Watershed Coordinator for more information.

CLICK HERE for an interactive map of the MNBC Watershed Boundaries *Tier I and II Critical Area boundaries for Cost-Share eligiblity! Currently funding is only available in Tier I critical areas (orange).

CLICK HERE to view the approved Maria-No Business Creek Watershed Management Plan

MNBC Cost Share Guidelines – Approved 2024

(Tier I critical areas only) MNBC Cost-Share Application 2024

2024 MNBC Cost Share brochure

Background of the MNBC Watershed Project 

The Maria Creek watershed was selected by IDEM for a comprehensive TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) study. During 2019-2020 extensive water monitoring and data analysis were conducted in order to assess overall water quality, identify impairments, determine potential point and nonpoint source pollutants, and outline recommendations for ways in which to reduce pollutant loads in the future. Information from this TMDL report was instrumental in creating a comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Maria + No Business Creek watersheds. For more information on this TMDL project or to view the full report, click here: Maria Creek TMDL

To learn more about the MNBC Watershed Project:

Sullivan County SWCD 
2316 North Section St. Sullivan, IN  47882
(812) 268 5157  x 3

319 Watershed Coordinator
(812) 564-1162 cell