Project Updates and News
The Watershed Coordinator works primarily at home and in the field as an independent contractor providing services for Clay Co. SWCD, Greene Co. SWCD, Owen Co. SWCD, and Sullivan Co. SWCD. Please email or call (812) 564-1162 to set up an appointment.
The WCIWA is currently facilitating the following projects:
Black Creek Watershed- 319 Implementation Planning & Implementation (January 2023- January 2027)
The Black Creek 319 grant is underway and the Watershed Management Plan is currently in development. The next BCWP Advisory Committee is Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 at 6:00 EDT at the Linton Public Library. Any interested stakeholders are welcome to attend these meetings.
The Black Creek TMDL Report completed by IDEM is AVAILABLE at the following link:
Lower Eel River Watershed- 319 Implementation III (January 2022- January 2026)
Additional funding and a timeline extension has been awarded to the Lower Eel River Watershed initiative! LERW Cost-Share is currently AVAILABLE for a limited time! For more information, contact the Watershed Coordinator or the Clay County SWCD.
Fish Creek Watershed- 319 Planning (January 2023- January 2025)
The Fish Creek Watershed Management Plan is currently in the final stages of development. An additional grant for 319 Implementation has been secured and will commence in early 2026. FCW Advisory Committee meetings and other activities will resume then, as well. Contact the Watershed Coordinator or Owen County SWCD if you have questions or would like to be added to the Cost-Share Interest List.
Maria-No Business Creek 319 Planning & Implementation (December 2020-December 2024)
MNBC Cost-share funding is NOW AVAILABLE for eligible land users in Tier I critical areas. See the project page for critical area map and application materials or contact the Watershed Coordinator for more information.
If you would like to be contacted in the future regarding cost-share funding, Advisory Committee meetings, and/or events and news, please contact the Sullivan County SWCD or the Watershed Coordinator for more information. The next MNBC Advisory Committee is TBD.

Future Activity
Stay tuned for more information on the following upcoming 319 watershed projects!