Black Creek Watershed Project
UPCOMING EVENTS: The next BCWP Advisory Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th at 6:00 pm ET at the Linton Public Library.
The Black Creek TMDL is NOW AVAILABLE:
The Black Creek watershed consists of 84,874 acres situated primarily western Greene County, with portions spanning into Sullivan and Knox counties. The Black Creek watershed was recently selected by IDEM for a comprehensive TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) study. From fall 2021-2022 extensive water monitoring and data analysis was conducted in order to assess overall water quality, identify impairments, determine potential point and nonpoint source pollutants, and outline recommendations for ways in which to reduce pollutant loads in the future. The final TMDL report is scheduled to be completed by 2024. Information gathered in this TMDL report will be instrumental in creating a comprehensive Watershed Management Plan for the Black Creek watershed.
For more information on this TMDL project or to view the full report, click here: Black Creek TMDL Project
In conjunction with this TMDL project, the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District submitted a 319 Planning & Implementation grant application which was selected for funding. This 4-year 319 grant commenced in January 2023 and will dovetail with the completion of the Black Creek TMDL study so that the reported data can be utilized for creating a Watershed Management Plan. The Black Creek 319 Planning & Implementation grant will provide $379,500 ($160,000 will be devoted to cost-share funding) in funding with a match/in-kind commitment of $253,000. The first two years (2023-2025) of this grant project will be spent gathering and analyzing information about the Black Creek watershed from various sources including the IDEM TMDL study, stakeholder and Advisory Committee input, and desktop modeling. Once critical areas are selected and the Black Creek Watershed Management Plan is approved by IDEM and EPA, the ‘Implementation’ phase (e.g. cost-share) can begin in 2025/2026. More information will be forthcoming, but until then, stakeholders interested in joining the email notification list are encouraged to contact the Watershed Coordinator or the Greene County Soil & Water Conservation District for more information.
CLICK HERE for an interactive map of the Black Creek watershed
Want to help conduct a windshield survey for the Black Creek watershed? Use the form below and email the Watershed Coordinator and bring to the next Advisory Committee meeting. Black Creek Windshield Survey Form (printable).
The Black Creek Watershed Project is administered by:
Greene County SWCD
104 County Rd. 70 East, Suite B Bloomfield, IN 47424
(812) 384 4634 x 3