Busseron Creek Watershed Project – CLOSED
The Busseron Watershed Project concluded in November 2014 after two rounds of successful 319 grant funding for Planning and Implementation efforts in the region. Follow the links below to view the Final Reports from the two 319 grants, citing all cost-share BMPs installed, field days organized, and outreach efforts completed. As a result of these undertakings, several impaired streams in the watershed were eventually delisted by IDEM after follow-up assessments. Though there are currently no active 319 grants in this watershed, individuals interested in conservation opportunities are encouraged to contact the Sullivan County SWCD office for more information.
Busseron Watershed Success Story
A305-1-2 Busseron Implementation II Grant – Final Report (2010-2014)
7-187 Busseron Planning & Implementation Grant – Final Report (2008-2011)
The Busseron watershed project was a huge success thanks to the assistance, input, and dedication of a wide variety of partners and producers. The WCIWA is truly grateful for the cooperation that allowed the 319 funds to be completely utilized and the in-kind/match goal to be exceeded!
CLICK HERE to view the Busseron Creek Watershed Management Plan (2010)